I'm Officially A Pirated Commodity!

For some authors, seeing their name in print is when they know they’ve made it. For actors, it’s seeing their name in lights on Broadway. For the band “Nirvana”, it was an accolade to have your song parodied by “Weird Al”. And for me, it’s having my book pirated in the torrent and rapidshare communities.

All the achievements previously mentioned have a common thread for the artist: People like your stuff enough advertise it. And it means something particularly special in my mind, as an artist you’ve made something worth sharing. And this was why I didn’t distribute the book through torrent and pirate sites, because I knew that if the book was worth its salt it would end up there eventually. It was released November 2, 2009 for download, and now almost three months shy of its release anniversary, Learn To Speed Read, has been made available to the pirate communities. My book is now worth being stolen (not really since it’s free to download and share but some users might not know that). And it feels great.

I’d like to send out a big “THANK YOU” to all the pirates and their communities for supporting and distributing my book.

On another note, more updates to follow this week. I’m back from a long trip and have stock piled a lot of material to post. So stay tuned, because the best is yet to come.



Kris Madden


PS: If you want to download the book from one of the sites I've come upon. Here are some links:







Happy Thanksgiving!

One of my favorite Kurt Vonnegut drawings to right, but a more appropriate title for today might be, "Thanksgiving is no way to treat a turkey".

I'll be working all day getting the books in their final format for release tomorrow. And then hanging out with the family and having the traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

Thank you to everyone supporting the website with your views, the book with your reads/downloads. And thanks goes to everyone who has emailed me with their questions, comments, stories, etc. I have enjoyed reading and responding to them all.

A SUPER BIG THANKS goes out to those who have  supported my efforts by purchasing the book. 

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

And for those that don't celebrate the holiday:

Happy Last Thursday of November!


- Kris Madden